How much does Solar cost to install?

21 July 2023

How much does Solar cost to install?

The number one question we get from every client is “How much does an average sized Solar Power installation cost?”

How does -$5.50 a month sound?

Read that again. It wasn’t a typo. Yes, it’s actually a negative number.

-$5.50 a month!

And no, we’re not talking about a leasing or renting option. We’re talking about you purchasing and owning the Solar Power solution outright.

The number two question after this answer is “How?”

It’s all thanks to the banks!


Westpac, ANZ, BNZ, ASB and Kiwibank all offer incredibly low interest rates, and even grants, when purchasing a Solar investment from an accredited Solar Power provider – which Smart Solar is!

As an example, when looking at estimated annual power generation for various sized solar solutions, on a 5 year Interest free Westpac Warm Up Loan, the figures look like this,

4.9kW Smart Solar -$5.54 per month

6.15kW Smart Solar -$15.27 per month

10.455kW Smart Solar -$27.28 per month


That’s because the estimated weekly savings on Smart Solar solutions are greater than the weekly repayments.

If you’re not with Westpac, on a 3-year 1% interest rate with ANZ, BNZ, and ASB, those sized solutions will only cost you,

4.9kW Smart Solar 20c a day

6.15kW Smart Solar 50c a day

10.455kW Smart Solar 90c a day


The question we now ask you is, “With low solar interest rates, and ever-increasing electricity bills, why HAVEN’T you invested in Solar yet?”

If you’re in Canterbury, contact Smart Solar to get the very best Solar Power Solution for you and your home.

P. 03 338 4238


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