A great alarm system could be the difference in a high-pressure or life changing event. Our consultants develop and install systems that allow important alarm capabilities to trigger at essential moments, like triggering the whole house’s lights when a smoke alarm goes off in order to light the way to safety.
Navigating home security
Security cameras create a more tangible feeling of safety and are a fantastic tool for growing families. Inconspicuous cameras come in handy in so many situations, meaning you can relax in your home knowing you’ve created a more secure environment for your loved ones.
An intercom can remove the sense of mystery around incoming guests, providing live video or audio footage from your gate, front door or even your garage. This helps many of our clients feel far more comfortable in their homes, providing them with greater oversight and control of their lives.
We tailor each and every home access set-up to suit your needs, with remotes and keypads giving you the day-to-day freedom to allow people access to your property. Families love the immediate peace of mind gained with an automatic gate.
Enjoy full lock and access control, from any location. With keyless entry, you remove the need to let in service professionals, replace lost keys or worry about who may have had access to your home. You gain the ability to lock doors and gates whenever the need arises from your phone, remote or swipe tag.

Alarm Entry
Entry points and security systems can be controlled by keypads, touchscreens, remotes and apps.

Intercom Screens for Access and Gate Control.
Smoke and Heat Detection for fire hazards.
Intrusion detection for unwanted visitors.
In-wall sirens to alert for fire or intrusion.

Electronic locks and proximity sensors for access.
Security cameras monitor your property.

Gate Automation for both sliding and swing gates.
Intercom Gate Station for convenience and security.
Perimeter Sensors provide pre-entry protection,
to protect exterior walls, doors or windows.